I am deeply immersed (once again), captivated and curious by my own demons (parts that have been protecting me) and the worlds and how they are not separate. This time around I have new perspectives, tools and awarenesses. I have not wandered through 46 years completely asleep you see, only partially. (wink wink) I can clearly see, riding in packs on the backs of these demons, truths and positive intentions. They are tucked and hidden in pockets. I want their wisdom so they can stop dancing on my head and integrate, finally.

When I immerse, categories form, breaking apart the immersion process into limbs on one tree. Sometimes to help stimulate the process I ask questions of myself and the world, see what gets reflected back, digest it and then respond or evolve something. This time around the immersion is giving a bigger voice to my own voice and who I have always been but been unable to see. I know innately somehow all things are connected and I have spent enough time immersed in the oneness, it’s time to see who I am and what my voice can truly do.

Here are some of the questions I am in a dialogue with.

Who am I? What is my *heritage? What should my relationship with my *family be? What should my relationship with the world be? What is the flow of life telling me or asking me? What is my quality of resistance against the flow? What would happen if I released my resistance?

*heritage: all of these relationships: blood/dna, spiritual, thread of my soul through all time.

*family: from blood to those I have bonded with.

Inheritance & beliefs we form.

A bridge to new beliefs

Parts returning and integrating

Alters to honor and support integration